Ustaadh Abdul Azeem Climie

About Ustaadh Abdul Azeem Climie

Ustaadh Abdul Azeem was born and raised near Glasgow, Scotland, where he accepted Islam in 1997 at the age of 22yrs. In 2006 He co-founded New to Islam – a grassroots organisation to support new Muslims and also those from ‘born' Muslim backgrounds who wished to learn about theirDeen in a supportive, collaborative environment. New to Islam quickly became the main project for new Muslims and beginners across Scotland and became established as a charity in 2011, with Abdul Azeem as Chair.

Relocating to the East Midlands of England in 2013, Ustaadh Abdul Azeem has worked with local new Muslim/Beginner projects and collaborated with many organisations as an advisor, teacher and organiser. He has acted as a Muslim Chaplain for schools in Scotland and as khateeb for the University of Leicester's Islamic Association and for Leicester Glenfield Hospital's Muslim prayer facilities.

Ustaadh Abdul Azeem has studied under local ‘Ulema in Scotland including Maulana Muhammad MustaqeemShah, Maulana Muhammad Arif Hansrot, Shaykh Amer Jameel and Shaykh Ruzwan Muhammed. He has also studied for a long period under Shaykh Abdul Aziz Ahmed Fredericks and took great benefit through him. He currently studies with Shaykh Ahmed Saad of the UK, and has taught relevant texts such as the 40 Hadith of Imam an Nawawi, Dear Beloved Son by Imam al Ghazali and the 77 Branches of Faith by Imam al Bayhaqi under the supervision of his teachers. He also teaches a broad range of grassroots topics on fiqh, basic aqaa'id and other topics that are relevant for helping Muslims actually live their religion in contemporary society of the UK.

Ustaadh Abdul Azeem holds an MBA from the University of Leicester and a diploma in strategic leadership from the Chartered Management Institute and is currently engaged in employment as an NHS Primary Care Manager.

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