Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi

Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi

About Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi

Shaykh Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi is a PhD scholar at SOAS University of London, researching Quranic Interpretations and Muslim Intellectual Dynamics in Colonial South Asia, focusing on Shāh ꜥAbd al-ꜥAzīz (d. 1823) and the Madrasah Rahimiyah. He holds degrees from Nadwatul ʿUlamāʾ, Lucknow, specialising in Arabic and Hadith Studies. After returning to the UK, he studied at Cambridge Muslim College and earned an MA in Islamic Studies from SOAS, focusing on the School of Hamīd al-Dīn Farāhī (1863-1930). He later completed a second master’s at Cardiff University, exploring new forms of online religious learning.

To contact him he is available at:

[email protected]

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