Sister Khadija Kholwadia-Laher

About Sister Khadija Kholwadia-Laher

(Muslim Chaplain, Alimah, Islamic Counselling skills (CPCAB))

A highly skilled Muslim Chaplain with over 15 years of extensive Chaplaincy experience across several female HMPPS establishments. Specialist experience within JEXU (Joint Extremism Unit) of working with TACT (Terrorism Acct) Offenders for the Desistance and Disengagement Programme, providing intensive tailored interventions using theology to combat extremist ideology.

Passionate about working with female offenders, encouraging them to take personal responsibility for the development of their social and spiritual needs in order to address their offending behaviour. Emotional stability together with maturity, patience, tolerance, and empathy are just a few of the qualities needed to fulfil the huge privilege of being allowed into people’s lives and being trusted. Currently working towards a Master's degree in Community and Criminal Justice Leadership.

Courses by Sister Khadija Kholwadia-Laher

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