Tazkiyah – Level 1



Purification of the Heart

Tazkiyah – Level 1

About The Course

How engrossed are you with mundane and trivial things of this world and do these things affect your emotional wellbeing? Do you struggle to refrain from sins, and have little motivation to worship Allah swt? Is your heart free and pure from spiritual illnesses? When you do worship Allah swt, are you distracted or feel deprived of the pleasure of connecting with the Creator. There are several reasons why this may be. Our success in this world and hereafter fundamentally revolves around the state of our spiritual heart and soul and how far we are in this journey to salvation.

Allah swt says: “Indeed the successful one is one who purifies his / her soul, and doomed is the one who corrupts it.” [Q. 91:9-10].

A heart which is consumed with the rays of knowledge from Allah swt and shines with wholesome attributes of righteousness, can only be that which is pure from worldly passions and its snares. A clean and pure heart is one which is free from spiritual illnesses. When the heart is blemished with such ailments it cannot absorb the essence and treasures of this knowledge and its associated attributes of the unseen, and so, remains deprived from performing good and righteous actions that are rewarded. Good character and good deeds are manifestations of a purified heart and it is obligatory that all aim to achieve this state through gaining beneficial knowledge, and by being guided by those who have spent time striving spiritually to cleanse their heart. Otherwise, knowledge will be a mere exercise to no end and of little benefit, like a valuable tool one has in their possession that is deprived of the fortune and craftmanship required to build and develop a golden path leading to the Creator.

This course has been designed to provide a step by step approach to purify hearts. Many authentic resources have been used by our scholars to frame an extremely beneficial and unique course with a strategic focus to personalise your spiritual journey of self-rectification tailored to your needs as a Seeker of Spiritual Development. The course will be run from graded basics to more advanced spiritual development exercises that benefit the spiritual state of students.

This is a unique opportunity to join our multi-faceted approach to develop you spiritually through enrichment exercises coupled with personalised mentor specific guidance. Our first approach will be to instil spiritual awareness and develop a God conscious mindset through lectures, reading materials and interaction and engagement with instructors, and this will be coupled with modules to transform your character, motives and actions through spiritual exercises, related to all the diseases of the heart.

Seekers of spiritual development will be able to listen and watch goal focussed videos, join live sessions with spiritual instructors and attempt online activities, questionnaires which are aimed to transform both your internal and external self.

The purpose is to connect you with Allah swt so that the knowledge you gain is one which is pleasing to our Lord. The insight (basirah) you will gain from the knowledge, coupled with a heart which is undergoing a process of revival and purification will open up the treasures of this mysterious world and bridge a longing for an afterlife which far surpasses anything sensed or perceived in this world.

Course Team

Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid

(Academic Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam

(Founder of Jamiah Khatamun Nabiyeen Institute, Bradford, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat

(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)
Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah

(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)


15 Live Online Sessions

Duration: 6 Months

Brothers Batch

Sundays, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (London, UK)

Sisters Batch

Sundays, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (London, UK)

Video Recordings Available

Access to Mobile App

Digital Certificate

Enrol Now

Starts on 10th November 2024

Course Fee

Pay in Full: £79.99 £49.99

(Providing upto 40% scholarship on this Course)

Pay In 4 Installments: £14.99/month for 4 months

Registration Deadline

9th November 2024

Al Balagh Scholarship

AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.

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Course Team

Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid

(Academic Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)
Instructor at Al Balagh Academy, Mufti Syed Waliullah Abrar Qasmi

Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam

(Founder of Jamiah Khatamun
Nabiyeen Institute, Bradford, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat

(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)
Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah

(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)





Importance and virtue of Knowledge


Importance and virtue of Knowledge




Attributes and Beautiful Names of Allah

Attributes and Beautiful
Names of Allah




Love for the Prophet (saw)

Love for the Prophet (saw)




Virtues of the Qur’an

Virtues of
the Qur’an




Aspiration for the Hereafter

Aspiration for
the Hereafter




Importance and Virtues of Purity (Tahara)

Importance and Virtues
of Purity (Tahara)




Gaining the most from Salah

Gaining the
most from Salah




Benefits of Supplication

Benefits of Supplication




Benefits of Zikr

Benefits of Zikr




Benefits of Tawba

Benefits of Tawba




Refining the Character

Refining the Character




Treating Diseases of the Heart

Treating Diseases
of the Heart




Controlling the Tongue

Controlling the Tongue




Controlling the Gaze

Controlling the Gaze




Importance of Good Company

Importance of
Good Company




Fear of Poverty






























Relying on other than God













Course Overview

The Course Will Deliver On Two Holistic Approaches To Self – Development:

Modules related to developing a spiritual and God conscious mindset focussing mainly on Taqwa and Tawakkul.

Modules related to root causes of spiritual illnesses of hearts (i.e. arrogance) and how to cure their symptoms (i.e. anger and vanity etc).

The sessions will be personalised and interactive in parts so that students can share their experiences under spiritual guidance and gradually gain a sense of nurturing in their own personal spiritual development.

There will also be opportunities for students to partake in specific spiritually enhancing course units addressing individual spiritual illnesses to support development and to treat the heart.

Learning Objectives


The Key Objectives Of This Course Are To:


  • Have a good understanding of knowledge of the internal aspects of good character and pure hearts.
  • Gain the ability to self-reflect on one’s spiritual state and identify areas of concern.
  • Gain insight to modes of spiritual therapies as forms of healing and removing impurities of the heart.
  • Appreciate and utilize the pure and sound heart to guide towards good knowledge, good character and good deeds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?

Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 40000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.

How is this online course structured?

Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.

When will I have access to the online course material?

Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to ILM Portal (our advanced online learning portal) within 24 hours. (login details and important contact information will be provided on your registered email address)

Will I get notification for live sessions?

You will be able to view all course wise live session details including joining links on your ILM Portal calendar.Weekly email reminders are also sent out on your registered email address. If you find any difficulty with the link/calendar please contact us immediately via  Email: [email protected] or by Phone: +447946835578 . Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest

Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?

Attending live sessions, while not mandatory for course progression, is strongly encouraged. Prominent scholars and educators highlight the unique value of live attendance, emphasizing its role in the authentic transfer of knowledge. Live participation fosters an interactive learning environment, allowing for real-time questions, discussions, and clarifications that are not as easily replicated through recorded materials. This live engagement is seen as essential for a deeper understanding and connection to the subject matter, echoing the tradition and Adab of scholarly learning.

I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?

If you miss a live session, don't worry! You can access the recorded sessions, presentations, and relevant materials on your course dashboard within 24-48 hours after the live class is delivered. Our admin team uploads the content promptly so you can catch up on what you missed and be well-prepared for the next live class. Simply log in to the ILM Student portal and find the materials under the respective course section if you miss a scheduled live lecture.

Can I download the video recordings on my device (Desktop/Laptop/Mobile/Tab)?

We understand that having constant access to educational content is important for our students. However, to maintain the integrity and security of our course materials, videos are not available for download directly from the Learning Management System (LMS). We ensure that our LMS is accessible at all times and from various devices, allowing you to study at your convenience, wherever you have internet access. If you have any concerns about accessing the materials or need assistance with the LMS, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for help.

I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?

For any doubts or discussions, join the dedicated Course WhatsApp Groups where you can engage with peers for question clarification and discussions. Course instructors may be part of these groups at their discretion. If you need to contact a specific instructor, please reach out to the Admin Team.

How do I interact with my classmates?

You can interact with your classmates on our WhatsApp Groups exclusive for the course students. To join the official WhatsApp group, log in to your course on https://ilm.albalaghacademy.org/  and access the "Join Official WhatsApp Group'' tab. Go to Start → Sessions → Welcome Aboard: Course Introduction → Join Official WhatsApp Group 

Joining the group will allow you to connect with fellow course students for discussions and updates.

What is the process for reaching out to the instructor?

For inquiries about instructor contact information, please reach out to the course administrator directly. Instructor details will be shared only with their explicit consent. However, participants are encouraged to connect through group discussions.

( Please note, they often have demanding schedules and may not always be able to address individual queries. We encourage you to attend live sessions and utilize the Q&A period for questions. For queries post-lecture, feel free to contact our administrators, and we will do our best to assist. Responses from instructors will depend on their availability. Thank you for your understanding.)

When will the final exam be held?

The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course(approximately one month after the final live lecture of the course) and will be a Graded And Timed Exam.

How long will I have access to the online course(s)?

The duration of access to paid online courses varies depending on the program length:

  • Courses lasting 4/6 months (12/16 sessions): 1 year access
  • Courses lasting 9-12 months (24-30 sessions): 2 year access

Please note that these durations apply specifically to our paid courses.

I am facing trouble signing into the “ILM” Online Student portal. What should I do?

In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately via  email: [email protected] or by phone: +447946835578 . Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest. The time taken to resolve issues depends on the team's availability and working hours. We guarantee prompt resolution of your queries. Please be aware that it typically takes around 24 hours to resolve any technical issues.

How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?

Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit  here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2 - 3 working days.

What is the course grading policy?

Our course grading policy is designed to ensure a comprehensive understanding and mastery of the subject matter. To successfully pass, students are required to achieve a minimum grade of 40% across all courses. Here's how your performance will be evaluated:

  • Weekly Assessment Exams (60% of total points): Throughout the course, you will encounter approximately 5-6  online objective assessments aimed at testing your understanding and honing your skills. These weekly checkpoints are pivotal in tracking your progress and ensuring you're on the right path.
  • Course Final Exam (40% of total points): The culmination of your learning journey is marked by the course final exam. This decisive assessment evaluates your grasp of the entire course content.
  • Achieving a score of 40% or above is essential to pass the course. This balanced approach between regular assessments and a comprehensive final exam ensures that you not only retain information but also apply your knowledge effectively.
When do I receive the course certificate ?
Following successful course completion, you will be eligible to receive your digital certificate of achievement. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
Completion of All Course Modules: Full engagement with all designated course materials, including readings, assignments, and assessments, is mandatory.

Attainment of the Minimum Passing Threshold: A minimum grade of 40% is required to qualify for the certificate of achievement.

Who do I contact if I still have doubts related to my courses ?

If you have questions or need assistance during your journey, our dedicated support team is here for you. Your success is our priority. Please be patient as our team works round the clock to provide support.

📞 Admissions Team( Payment, Scholarships, Enrollment, or information about New Courses):

🚀 Short-Term Course Support (Assessment, Course-related, or IT-Technical issues):

Concerned about Flexibility?

We provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee for the First 4 Weeks. Join us today for a secure and enriching experience in Islamic learning!
You can review our Refund policy HERE!

Is there a mobile app for accessing my courses ?

Maximize your learning flexibility with our newly updated mobile app! Enjoy seamless access to your courses anytime, anywhere. Click on the links below to download the app tailored to your device:

Dive into a world of convenient and accessible learning today!

Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?

Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 40000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.

How is this online course structured?

Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.

When will I have access to the online course material?

Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to ILM Portal (our advanced online learning portal) within 24 hours. (login details and important contact information will be provided on your registered email address)

Will I get notification for live sessions?

You will be able to view all course wise live session details including joining links on your ILM Portal calendar. Weekly email reminders are also sent out on your registered email address. If you find any difficulty with the link/calendar please contact us immediately via  Email: [email protected] or by Phone: +447946835578 . Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest

Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?

Attending live sessions, while not mandatory for course progression, is strongly encouraged. Prominent scholars and educators highlight the unique value of live attendance, emphasizing its role in the authentic transfer of knowledge. Live participation fosters an interactive learning environment, allowing for real-time questions, discussions, and clarifications that are not as easily replicated through recorded materials. This live engagement is seen as essential for a deeper understanding and connection to the subject matter, echoing the tradition and Adab of scholarly learning.

I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?

If you miss a live session, don't worry! You can access the recorded sessions, presentations, and relevant materials on your course dashboard within 24-48 hours after the live class is delivered. Our admin team uploads the content promptly so you can catch up on what you missed and be well-prepared for the next live class. Simply log in to the ILM Student portal and find the materials under the respective course section if you miss a scheduled live lecture.

Can I download the video recordings on my device (Desktop/Laptop/Mobile/Tab)?

We understand that having constant access to educational content is important for our students. However, to maintain the integrity and security of our course materials, videos are not available for download directly from the Learning Management System (LMS). We ensure that our LMS is accessible at all times and from various devices, allowing you to study at your convenience, wherever you have internet access. If you have any concerns about accessing the materials or need assistance with the LMS, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for help.

I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?

For any doubts or discussions, join the dedicated Course WhatsApp Groups where you can engage with peers for question clarification and discussions. Course instructors may be part of these groups at their discretion. If you need to contact a specific instructor, please reach out to the Admin Team.

How do I interact with my classmates?

You can interact with your classmates on our WhatsApp Groups exclusive for the course students. To join the official WhatsApp group, log in to your course on https://ilm.albalaghacademy.org/  and access the "Join Official WhatsApp Group'' tab. Go to Start → Sessions → Welcome Aboard: Course Introduction → Join Official WhatsApp Group 

Joining the group will allow you to connect with fellow course students for discussions and updates.

What is the process for reaching out to the instructor?

For inquiries about instructor contact information, please reach out to the course administrator directly. Instructor details will be shared only with their explicit consent. However, participants are encouraged to connect through group discussions.

( Please note, they often have demanding schedules and may not always be able to address individual queries. We encourage you to attend live sessions and utilize the Q&A period for questions. For queries post-lecture, feel free to contact our administrators, and we will do our best to assist. Responses from instructors will depend on their availability. Thank you for your understanding.)

When will the final exam be held?

The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course (approximately one month after the final live lecture of the course) and will be a Graded And Timed Exam.

How long will I have access to the online course?

The duration of access to paid online courses varies depending on the program length:

  • Courses lasting 4/6 months (12/16 sessions): 1 year access
  • Courses lasting 9-12 months (24-30 sessions): 2 year access

Please note that these durations apply specifically to our paid courses.

I am facing trouble signing into the “ILM” Online Student portal. What should I do?

In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately via  email: [email protected] or by phone: +447946835578 . Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest. The time taken to resolve issues depends on the team's availability and working hours. We guarantee prompt resolution of your queries. Please be aware that it typically takes around 24 hours to resolve any technical issues.

How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?

Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit  here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2 - 3 working days.

What is the course grading policy?

Our course grading policy is designed to ensure a comprehensive understanding and mastery of the subject matter. To successfully pass, students are required to achieve a minimum grade of 40% across all courses. Here's how your performance will be evaluated:

  • Weekly Assessment Exams (60% of total points): Throughout the course, you will encounter approximately 5-6  online objective assessments aimed at testing your understanding and honing your skills. These weekly checkpoints are pivotal in tracking your progress and ensuring you're on the right path.
  • Course Final Exam (40% of total points): The culmination of your learning journey is marked by the course final exam. This decisive assessment evaluates your grasp of the entire course content.
  • Achieving a score of 40% or above is essential to pass the course. This balanced approach between regular assessments and a comprehensive final exam ensures that you not only retain information but also apply your knowledge effectively.
When do I receive the course certificate?
Following successful course completion, you will be eligible to receive your digital certificate of achievement. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
Completion of All Course Modules: Full engagement with all designated course materials, including readings, assignments, and assessments, is mandatory.

Attainment of the Minimum Passing Threshold: A minimum grade of 40% is required to qualify for the certificate of achievement.

Who do I contact if I still have doubts related to my courses?

If you have questions or need assistance during your journey, our dedicated support team is here for you. Your success is our priority. Please be patient as our team works round the clock to provide support.

📞 Admissions Team( Payment, Scholarships, Enrollment, or information about New Courses):

🚀 Short-Term Course Support (Assessment, Course-related, or IT-Technical issues):

Concerned about Flexibility?

We provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee for the First 4 Weeks. Join us today for a secure and enriching experience in Islamic learning!
You can review our Refund policy HERE!

Is there a mobile app for accessing my courses?

Maximize your learning flexibility with our newly updated mobile app! Enjoy seamless access to your courses anytime, anywhere. Click on the links below to download the app tailored to your device:

Dive into a world of convenient and accessible learning today!

Learn More About Our Courses?

Email us:  [email protected]

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