Research Methodology in Islamic Studies

Research Methodology in Islamic Studies

About the Course

This Research Methodology course is a hands‐on course designed to impart education in the foundational methods and techniques of academic research in Islamic religious studies and social sciences. Students will examine and be practically exposed to the main components of a research framework generally and from an Islamic perspective i.e., problem definition, research design, data collection, Islamic ethical issues in research, report writing, and presentation. Once equipped with this knowledge, participants would be well‐placed to conduct disciplined research in areas of their choosing related to Islamic sciences and humanities.

In addition to their application in an academic setting, many of the methodologies discussed in this course will be similar to those deployed in professional research environments and beyond as this course will present Islamic philosophies around knowledge and research methodology.Teaching methods include readings, lectures, group discussions, exercises, and assignments. Lectures are designed such that ensure greater scholar participation.

Students will be equipped with qualitative and quantitative research method skills and theoretical knowledge in general, and for use in Islamic studies in particular. These skills are essential for the students throughout their career as an academic and researcher as well as general life skills. Additionally, it will train students on how to investigate and design a research problem from start to finish using appropriate methodology and how to present their research outcome effectively in their area of expertise as well as broader areas. As such, students are provided with the opportunity to apply their learning to a subject matter of their own choice in the field of Islamic studies, while increasing awareness about various types of resources that will be of use during the course of their studies.


12 Live Online Sessions

Duration: 4 Months

AlBalagh Scholarship

AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.

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Main Modules

1. Introduction to Research

  1. Introduction to course
  2. Importance of Research Methodology
  3. The role of research in Islamic Studies and Humanities
  4. Research process overview

2. Research Methodology in Islamic Studies

  1. Six major themes, Quran Studies, Hadith Studies, Usul al-Din (principles of faith), Fiqh (Jurisprudence) Sirah (biography) and Tarīkh (civilization)
  2. Research methodology of Fuqaha’ (Jurists),
  3. Research methodology in Usul al-Din
  4. Research methodology in Hadith and Civilization

3. Philosophies and the Language of Research Theory Building

  1. Science/ Theologyand theirfunctions,
  2. What is theory?
  3. The meaning of methodolog

4. Thinking like a Researcher

  1. Understanding Concepts,
  2. Understanding Constructs,
  3. Understanding Variables,
  4. Definitions

5. Problems and Hypotheses

  1. Defining the research problem,
  2. Formulation of the research hypotheses,
  3. The importance of problems and hypotheses

6. Research Design

  1. Experimental and Nonexperimental research design,
  2. Field research,
  3. Survey research

7. Methods of Data Collection

  1. Secondary data collection methods,
  2. qualitative methods of data collection,
  3. Survey methods of data collection

8. Attitude Measurement and Scaling

  1. Types of measurement scales;
  2. Questionnaire designing
  3. Reliability and Validity

9. Sampling Techniques

  1. The nature of sampling,
  2. Probability sampling design,
  3. Nonprobability sampling design,
  4. Determination of sample size

10. Using the Internet and Software for Research in Islamic Studies

  1. Planning
  2. Where and how to look
  3. resources inIslamic studies(Englishand Arabic)
  4. recognising authenticity

11. Processing and Analysis of Information and Data

  1. Acquiring Data
  2. Data Processing
  3. DataAnalysis

12. Islamic Ethical issues in Conducting Research

  1. Harm Considerations
  2. Privacy / Confidentiality Considerations
  3. DeceptionConsiderations
  4. Ethics and Quantitative Considerations
  5. Ethics and Qualitative Considerations
  6. Plagiarism Considerations

13. Islamic Hermeneutics and Islamisation of Knowledge

  1. What is Islamisation of Knowledge
  2. What is Hermeneutics and Its Importance
  3. Application of Hermeneutics
  4. Islamic Hermeneutics
  5. Applied Islamic Hermeneutics and Research
  6. Islamic Social Sciences

14. Report generation

  1. report writing, and APA format –
  2. Title page,
  3. Abstract,
  4. Introduction,
  5. Methodology,
  6. Results,
  7. Discussion,
  8. Referencesand Appendices

Who is it for ?

This course is suitable for ‘Ulama, students of knowledge and anyone interested in academic research from an Islamic perspective and who has an interest in Islamic studies. This course is unique and ideal for those who wish to have a much broader, specialist understanding of the art of Islamic research methodology, professionally that can be applied to a broad range of disciplines.

Learning Objectives

The primary objective of this course is to develop a research orientation among the Muslim scholars and students generally and to acquaint them with fundamentals of research methods. Specifically, the course aims at introducing them to the basic concepts used in research and to scientific social research methods and their approach from an Islamic perspective and focussed on Islamic studies subjects. It includes broad discussions on sampling techniques, research designs and techniques of analysis.
At the end of this module students will be rounded in their ability to research well and present their work with value and impact. Students will:
  • develop understanding of the basic framework of research process.
  • develop an understanding of various research designs and techniques.
  • identify various sources of information for literature review and data collection.
  • develop an understanding of the Islamic ethical dimensions of conducting applied research.
  • Appreciate the components of Islamic scholarly writing and evaluate its quality.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How is this online course structured?
Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
We always encourage attending live sessions among students, but it is by no means compulsory for technical course progress of the students.
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
You can access the Discussion board on myAlbalagh or discuss via Course WhatsApp Group dedicated for student discussion. It is a platform for you to ask questions, discuss and get your doubts cleared. Our support staff will mediate your queries back and forth to the course instructors.
When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a graded and timed exam.



Will I get notification for live sessions?
All students will receive notification for their course live sessions via email and/or course WhatsApp group. You may also check the Course Schedule tab on your dashboard after logging in on our website or Mobile App.
Can I download the recordings and watch it offline?
You can download recordings and PPT of the course sessions from the MyAlBalagh mobile App for all the enrolled courses.The recordings will be available for students after 48 hours of the live session.
Do I get marks for watching course recordings and presentations?
There are no additional marks for watching the course recordings. Only the module Assessments and the final exam add up to the final score.You can check the individual scores of your Assessments under the Progress tab of MyAlBalagh.
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
If you are unable to attend a live session or have missed it, you can view recorded sessions on your course dashboard. You can access all the completed Recordings, PPT and assessments anytime.



How do I interact with my classmates?
You can use the Discussion Board to connect with other course students as well. Furthermore, you can interact with your classmates on our Whatsapp Group exclusive for the course students.
How long will I have access to the online course?
You will have access to the online course content for up to 2 years. If you want lifetime access, contact our admin team via Email at [email protected].
I am facing trouble signing into my private member portal. What should I do?
In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately. Our student support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest.



Does Al Balagh Academy issue certificates?
Yes. Al Balagh is a UK based NGO Academy issuing our Academy certificates for all our courses, with an exception of a few university accredited courses.



When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a graded and timed exam.



What is the eligibility criteria for Scholarship?
Please visit our scholarship page for more details. (Hyperlink AlBalagh Scholarship page)

If you are still facing issues, kindly contact our helpdesk team at [email protected].
Download MyAlBalagh mobile app from Playstore or Appstore to play or download (for offline viewing) all the completed recordings and PPT.


When will I have access to the online course material?
Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to myAlbalagh (our online learning portal) within 24 hours.

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