Islamic Insurance (Takaful)
About The Course
Al Balagh is offering this unique course on Islamic Insurance (Takaful) that aims to guide you on the concept of Insurance, the History of Insurance and Insurance today in the contemporary world and the development of Takaful & Risk Management.
This Islamic Insurance (Takaful) online course gives an overview of the basics of The Sharia Perspective of Insurance, Sharia Compliance of Takaful, and an Overview of Takaful Distribution.
In this course, you will learn about Tabarru in Takaful, Takaful Business Models, Family Takaful and General Takaful. You will also learn about Islamic Perspectives on Takaful Regulations and AAOIFI Standards, Reinsurance and Retakaful, and Re-Takaful Operations.
This course is suitable for everyone interested in learning how Islamic Insurance works and is the next best option today. It will give students a fundamental yet comprehensive understanding of Islamic Insurance or “Takaful.” No previous knowledge is required.
Course Team
Mufti Abdul Kadir Barkatulla
(Sharia Advisor, Al Rayyan Bank,UK)
Mufti Faraz Adam
(Executive Director, Amanah Advisors, UK)
Mufti Abdullah Nana
(Author, Co-founder of American Fiqh Academy, USA)

Duration : 4 months

Sundays,3 PM - 4:30 PM (London, UK)

Video Recordings Available

Mobile App

Live Q&A

Enrol Now
Starts on 13th November 2022
Course Fee:
Pay in Full:
Pay in 4 Installment: £19.99
Registration Deadline:
27th November 2022
Al Balagh Scholarship
AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.
Introduction to the Concept of Insurance
History before AD (Greece, Roman, Middle Ages)
Insurance Today & Development Takaful & Risk Management
The Sharia Perspective of Insurance
The Sharia Compliance of Takaful
Tabarru' in Takaful
Takaful Business Models
Overview of Takaful Distribution
Family Takaful
General Takaful
Takaful Regulations and AAOIFI Standard
An Introduction to Reinsurance and Retakaful
Re-Takaful Operations
Course Overview
This course provides five main contents, such as:
1. Concept and History of Conventional Insurance
2. Concept and Principle of Takaful and Re-Takaful with
shariah framework
3. The Operations and Mechanism of Takaful and Re-Takaful.
4. The Family Takaful and General Takaful.
5. The Development of Takaful and Re-Takaful Industry.
The Islamic practice of Takaful originated among ancient Arab tribes. Islamic Insurance (Takaful) has since evolved to include many forms and plans needed in Modern society while still meeting the approval of Shariah scholars.
Islamic finance has grown rapidly, with the trend expected to continue. Although the concept has been around for much longer, Islamic finance has only become a global phenomenon recently, eliciting increasing interest worldwide, including from non-Muslim countries.
Islamic Insurance has the potential to contribute to higher and more inclusive economic growth by increasing access to banking services for underserved populations. In addition, it has the potential to promote financial stability due to its risk-sharing feature and its financing being asset-backed and thus fully collateralized.
These are all indications that Islamic finance is converging to the global finance industry; hence, all international finance professionals should be aware of Islamic finance.

Learning Objectives
Re-Takaful and to understand the mechanism of operations in the market. Introduce Takaful and Re-Takaful as one part of Islamic financial systems.
- Understand the principles of Takaful and Re-Takaful.
- Understand the business model of Takaful and Re-Takaful.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing the course, students will:
- Understand the regulation of Takaful and Re-Takaful.
- Understand the products of Takaful and Re-Takaful.
- Have knowledge of the developments of Takaful and ReTakaful.