Begin Your Learning Journey Today
Our January Courses

Islamic Psychology And Counselling – Level 1
???? Registration Deadline: 21st January 2023
⏰ Duration: 4+ Months

The History and Intellectual Foundations of Western Civilisation

Islam, End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Our February Courses

Hijamah – Cupping Therapy
???? Starts on: 4 February 2023
⏰ Duration: 4 months

Islamic Marriage Counselling – Level 1
???? Starts on: 5th February 2023
⏰ Duration: 6 Months

Islamic History – Level 1
???? Starts on: 12th February 2023
⏰ Duration: 6 Months

Mastering Arabic – Level 1
???? Starts on: 20th February 2023
⏰ Duration: 6 Months
Free Courses

Al – Aqidah Al-Tahawiyyah
???? Starts on: 22nd January 2023
⏰ Duration: 3+ Months

Fiqh of Menstruation (Sisters Only)
???? Starts on: 12th February 2023
⏰ Duration: 6 Teaching Weeks

The Fiqh Of Halal Food
???? Registration Deadline: 27th January 2023
⏰ Duration: 4+ months
Why Al Balagh Academy?
Al Balagh Academy is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to preserve the noble legacy of Prophetic tradition by offering a higher level of Islamic academia and knowledge among the wider international community. We would like to open doorways to a wealth of reliable and authentic Islamic information, knowledge and educational resources to increase opportunities for learning in and beyond the classroom. The main goal is to provide easy access to high-quality Islamic education and reformation for every Muslim around the world using Online Teaching Technology.
Online Live and Interactive Sessions
Communicate with our lecturers, network with your fellow learners and to participate in Q&A sessions through live interactive and engaging online sessions.
Mobile Learning
Learn on the go with myAlBalagh mobile app- A flexible, advanced and personalised mode of learning.
Dedicated Academic and Technical Support
Students will receive one-to-one academic and technical support from enrolment to graduation.
Digital certificates will be awarded from the Academy upon successful completion of the courses to recognise your achievement.
Bringing you in-demand, completely online and flexible courses at an affordable fee.
This course has been very useful for me to understand different topics within an Islamic setup Allhamdullillah. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and completed it to the best of my knowledge Allhamdullillah. I will recommend it to everyone. Well done Albalagh Academy you have done a wonderful job ????????.
Duas for all who made it possible.
Jazak Allah khair. May Allah reward you, Ameen.
I would assume very few Madrassahs were prepared for this COVID-19 crisis, and many of us have joined this course in response to that. Insha’Allah this can be a big learning experience for us to be more proactive rather than reactive, and madrassah administrators, teachers and parents can use this opportunity to acquaint themselves with these online tools.
May Allah reward everyone at Al Balagh immensely in both worlds for this invaluable service they are offering. It is truly appreciated. Aameen.
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatu
I pray the organisers and the organisation is playing a brilliant role during this difficult time and getting us avail the knowledge on different topics which are essential for life.I have enjoyed those sessions and really admire each every presentation.
May Allah swt reward you all for the amazing hard work.
Alhamdulillah. it's been an honour being part of the Albalagh family for Fiqh of Medicine Level-1. Bi Iznillah we'll be more visible in Level-2. JazakumAllah khairan katheeran for the opportunity and foresight wa barakallah feekum
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