Support AL BALAGH Academy
Giving just £10 to Al Balagh Academy during Laylatul Qadr equals £300,000! The Night of Power ( Laylatul Qadr) is better than a 1000 months, which is over 83 years. Therefore giving just £10 to charity during such a night is equal to £300,000!
£100 donation is equal to £3,000,000!
£1000 donation is equal to £30,000,000 and so on.

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Giving just £10 to Al Balagh Academy during Laylatul Qadr equals £300,000!
The Night of Power ( Laylatul Qadr) is better than a 1000 months, which is over 83 years. Therefore any act of worship during this night is rewarded to worship equal to over 83 years. Masha Allah!
This applies to prayers, Qur'an recitation, Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and giving to charity and so on.
Donation during the Night of Power (Laylat-ul-Qadr) for example is equal to an act of giving to charity for a 1000 months = 83.33 years x 365 days = over 30,415 days.
Therefore giving just £10 to charity during such a night is equal to £300,000!
£100 given to charity is equal to £3,000,000!
£1000 given to charity is equal to £30,000,000 and so on.
Subhanallah! What a great return for such a little amount given.
So let us make the best of this opportunity to gain such immense and unimaginable rewards and do as many good deeds as possible and donate to Al Balagh Academy for the pleasure of Allah and gain incomprehensible rewards in return for so little!
Your kind donations help us spread the divine knowledge to thousands of people worldwide. No one can imagine the rewards of spreading such beneficial knowledge. Your small sacrifice and commitment to the future of the Ummah and the preservation of Islamic knowledge will be rewarded by the Almighty Allah in this world and in the Hereafter.
The generosity of Allah is not measurable it is infinite!
Al Balagh Academy – An Overview
Alhamdulillah, 2018 was a year of many milestones for Al Balagh Academy. In just four months, we have enrolled around 250 new students from over 25 different countries and 80 different cities, built an easily accessible world-class online learning management system and developed an upgraded version of the website with over 30,000 page views and gained over 1000 registrations for our monthly webinars. Despite our limited resources, we have achieved tremendously over a short period of time, all thanks to our Creator. We are now in our next phase of developing and offering 40 new unique courses on some of the most pressing topics that face Muslims and Islam today. Now we are working on more than 40 new unique courses. These courses will be offered very soon In Sha Allah.
Help us continue our work in 2018 in this blessed month by making a contribution today.
Your donation will allow us to become a centre of excellence in higher Islamic studies and Islamic research and to reach to thousands of people worldwide helping and inspiring them to become better connected to Islam, to enhance their faith, to learn and share Islamic knowledge, and to have conviction and pride in our traditional heritage.
How could you help us?
The ways you can help us now:
1. By Donations
Together as one. Let’s strengthen our hands through generosity. Insha’Allah this donation will become an ongoing charity and become a source of Sadaqa Jariyyah for you reaping the continuous reward for generations to come.
The Almighty Allah says;
“Lend unto Allah a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your behalf, you shall find it with Allah, as better and richer in reward.” [Quran 73: 20]
It is also narrated in another Hadith: The Prophet said: “When a person dies his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, the knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.” (Muslim, Al-Tirmidhi)
Tonight, please consider making a donation whatever you can.
2. By providing Islamic loans
You may also support us by providing Islamic Loan (Qarz Hasana). If you are interested, please Email at [email protected] for more details.
3. By remembering us in your Duas
The Dua is the most powerful weapon of a believer. It is requested to make Dua for us that the Almighty Allah provide the resources for this project as Allah is the Owner of the treasures of the heavens and the earth and Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Guardian.
Please keep Al Balagh Academy in your noble and humble prayers.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate in contacting us at [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
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