Al Asma ul Husna
The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah
(Exclusive for Sisters)
Develop a profound, spiritual relationship with Allah SWT through His divine Names and Attributes
About The Course
The Al Asma ul Husna course offers a comprehensive study of Allah’s Beautiful Names, grouped thematically over 12 sessions. Students will explore the meanings, implications, and practical applications of Allah’s Names, fostering a closer relationship with the Creator. This course Al Asma ul Husna is essential for any Muslim seeking to enhance their faith and deepen their understanding of Islamic spirituality.
Course Team
Ustadha Umm Muhammad Yusuf
(Hafidhah, Alimiyyah graduate, Level 3 Education & Training certified, Graphic Designer)
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ′The acts most beloved to Allah, Exalted be He, are those which are done regularly, even if they are small’.
~ [Muslim]
Course Overview
Understanding the Names and Attributes of Allah (SWT) is essential for every Muslim seeking to deepen their connection with the Creator. The Al Asma ul Husna course offers a profound exploration of Allah's Beautiful Names, helping you to develop a meaningful and personal relationship with Him. This Al Asma ul Husna course is designed to elevate your faith, enrich your daily life with the remembrance of Allah, and allow you to reflect on His infinite mercy, compassion, wisdom, and power.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Allah the Almighty said: I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.” [Sahih Muslim]
Enrol in Al Asma ul Husna to strengthen your bond with Allah, gain a deeper understanding of His Names, and experience the transformative power of truly knowing your Lord.

Learning Objectives
- Understand the Meaning of Allah’s Names: Gain in-depth knowledge of the meanings and implications of the Beautiful Names of Allah (SWT).
- Develop Practical Application: Learn how to implement the knowledge of Allah’s Names(Al Asma ul Husna) in daily life, fostering a closer relationship with Him.
- Enhance Spiritual Reflection: Engage in reflective practices that allow for a deeper spiritual connection and understanding of Allah’s attributes.
- Cultivate Love for Allah: Develop a profound love and reverence for Allah by knowing Him through His Names and Attributes.
Learning Outcomes
- Deepen Understanding of Allah’s Names and Attributes: Gain a solid understanding of the meanings and significance behind Allah’s Beautiful Names, appreciating the depth of His divine qualities.
- Enhance Spiritual Connection: Strengthen your relationship with the Creator by exploring His Names, enriching your spiritual life and faith.
- Apply Divine Attributes to Daily Life: Learn practical ways to reflect Allah’s attributes in everyday actions, guiding your behaviour and interactions with others.
- Develop Reflective Practices: Engage in reflective exercises that foster a sense of Allah’s presence, bringing patience, strength, and humility into daily life.
- Build Love and Reverence for Allah: Nurture a deeper love and respect for Allah by understanding His Names, enriching your worship and connection to your faith.
- Experience Personal Transformation Through Faith: By Al Asma ul Husna course end, feel a genuine impact on your spiritual journey and everyday perspective, inspired by the guidance of Allah’s Names.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?
How is this online course structured?
When will I have access to the online course material?
Will I get notification for live sessions?
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
Can I download the video recordings on my device (Desktop/Laptop/Mobile/Tab)?
What is the process for reaching out to the instructor?
( Please note, they often have demanding schedules and may not always be able to address individual queries. We encourage you to attend live sessions and utilize the Q&A period for questions. For queries post-lecture, feel free to contact our administrators, and we will do our best to assist. Responses from instructors will depend on their availability. Thank you for your understanding.)
When will the final exam be held?
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
How do I interact with my classmates?
Joining the group will allow you to connect with fellow course students for discussions and updates.
How long will I have access to the free online course(s)?
I am facing trouble signing into the “ILM” Online Student portal. What should I do?
How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?
What is the course grading policy?
- Weekly Assessment Exams (60% of total points): Throughout the course, you will encounter approximately 5-6 online objective assessments aimed at testing your understanding and honing your skills. These weekly checkpoints are pivotal in tracking your progress and ensuring you're on the right path.
- Course Final Exam (40% of total points): The culmination of your learning journey is marked by the course final exam. This decisive assessment evaluates your grasp of the entire course content.
- Achieving a score of 40% or above is essential to pass the course. This balanced approach between regular assessments and a comprehensive final exam ensures that you not only retain information but also apply your knowledge effectively.
When can I expect to receive my Certificate of Achievement?
Following successful course completion, you will be eligible to receive your digital certificate of achievement. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
Completion of All Course Modules: Full engagement with all designated course materials, including readings, assignments, and assessments, is mandatory.
Attainment of the Minimum Passing Threshold: A minimum grade of 40% is required to qualify for the certificate of achievement.
Who do I contact if I still have doubts related to my courses ?
📞 Admissions Team( Payment, Scholarships, Enrollment, or information about New Courses):
🚀 Short-Term Course Support (Assessment, Course-related, or IT-Technical issues):
Is there a mobile app for accessing my courses ?
- For Android users: Download from the Google Play Store
- For iOS users: Download from the App Store
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